The Institute for Global Nutrition weekly seminar is a forum to discuss new research and topics related to global nutrition. Seminars are held Wednesdays from 12:10-1:00 pm in the Foster Room (1138 Meyer Hall) both in person and virtually on Zoom. They are open to the UC Davis community and to the public. Students may register for academic credit (NUT 291 section 1). Members of the public and students who do not need academic credit can request access by emailing Maureen Phelan at
Videos of seminars will be posted after the event as they become available. Seminars from previous academic years are available via the menu on the right. This page will contain the current academic year of seminars (Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Spring 2022).
Spring 2022
Invited Speaker: Michael Carter, PhD
Distinguished Professor, Agriculture and Resource Economics, UC Davis
Bundling Genetic and Financial Technologies to Build Resilience & Food Security for Small-scale Farmers: Evidence from Tanzania and Mozambique
Paper: NBER Working Paper Series: Bundling Genetic and Financial Technologies for More Resilient and Productive Small-Scale Agriculture
Invited Speaker: Carrie Waterman, PhD
Assistant Researcher, Nutrition Department, UC Davis
Video: UC Global Health Institute's Pilot Center on Food Justice and Health Equity
Invited Speaker: Hilary Seligman, MD, MAS
Professor of Medicine, UC San Francisco
Video: Policies to Support Food Security
Invited Speaker: Bess Caswell, PhD
Research Scientist, USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center
Video: Implementing a Dietary Impact Evaluation in Rural Sri Lanka Under COVID
Invited Speaker: Thaddaeus May, MD
Clinical Postdoctoral Fellow, Pediatrics and Gastroenterology, Baylor College of Medicine
One Carbon Metabolism Disturbances in Kwashiorkor and Acute Wasting
Slides: One-carbon Nutrition in Marasmus & Kwashiorkor. 4.27.22.pdf
Invited Speakers:
Kevin Tang
PhD Candidate, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Katie Adams, PhD
Associate Project Scientist, Nutrition Department, UC Davis
Video: Improving Diets Through Food Fortification: Modeling Micronutrient Contributions and Cost-Effectiveness in Malawi
Paper: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. Modeling LSFF Contributions in Micronutrient Requirements in Malawi
Invited Speakers:
Marly Augusto Cardoso, PhD
Fulbright Chair Brazil, Nutrition Department, UC Davis; Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Guilherme L. Werneck, PhD
Professor of Epidemiology
Institute of Studies in Public Health, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Department of Epidemiology, Social Medicine Institute, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Leisure-Time Physical Activity in Amazonian Pregnant Women and Offspring Birth Weight: A Prospective Cohort Study
Paper: Leisure Time Physical Activity in Amazonian Pregnant Women and Offspring Birth Weight, A Prospective Cohort Study.pdf
Invited Speaker: Marjorie Haskell, PhD
Research Nutritionist, Nutrition Department, UC Davis
Usual Vitamin A Intake and Vitamin A Status of Filipino Children Exposed to Multiple Sources of Vitamin A – The GloViTAS Project
Invited Speaker: Harriet Okronipa, PhD
Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University
COVID-19 Impacts on Small-Scale Fishing Households in Kenya
IGN Picnic in Central Park
Winter 2022
Invited Speaker: Lauren Au, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition, UC Davis
Video: Meeting WIC Families Where They Are: Removing Barriers to WIC Participation During COVID-19
Invited Speakers:
Kay Dewey, PhD
Distinguished Professor Emerita, Department of Nutrition, UC Davis
Katie Adams, PhD
Associate Project Scientist, Department of Nutrition, UC Davis
Steve Vosti, PhD
Associate Adjunct Professor, Department of Agriculture & Resource Economics, UC Davis
The Cost-Effectiveness of Small-Quantity Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements for Prevention of Child Death and Malnutrition and Promotion of Healthy Development: Modeling Results for Uganda
Paper Discussion: Lancet Adolescent Nutrition Series Paper 1: Nutrition in Adolescent Growth and Development
Paper: Lancet Series Adolescent Nutrition Paper 1.pdf
Invited Speaker: Harold Alderman, MNutr, PhD, Economics
Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI (International Food Policy Institute), Washington DC
Video: Lancet Adolescent Nutrition Series Paper 3: Strategies and Interventions for Healthy Adolescent Growth, Nutrition, and Development
Paper: Lancet Series Adolescent Nutrition Paper 3.pdf
Invited Speaker: Beth Mitcham, PhD
Director of the Horticulture Innovation Lab, and Postharvest Specialist, Department of Plant Sciences, UC Davis
Video: Impacts Through Horticulture for Development and the Horticulture Innovation Lab
Invited Speaker: Sera Young, PhD
Associate Professor, Anthropology and Global Health Studies, Northwestern University
Water Insecurity Experiences and Their Importance for Ensuring Food, Nutrition, and Well-Being
Invited Speaker: Elizabeth Prado, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition, UC Davis
Video: Maternal Depression is the Predominant Persistent Risk for Child Cognitive and Social-Emotional Problems From Early Childhood to Pre-Adolescence: A Longitudinal Cohort Study
Paper: Lancet Series Adolescent Nutrition Paper 2.pdf
Invited Speaker: Ty Beal, PhD
Research Advisor, Knowledge Leadership team at GAIN (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition)
Video: Lancet Adolescent Nutrition Series Paper 2: Food Choice in Transition: Adolescent Autonomy, Agency, and the Food Environment
Paper: Lancet Adolescent Nutrition Series Paper 2, Food Choice in Transition
Invited Speaker: Maria-Jose Ramirez-Luzuriaga, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, NIH /Phoenix Diabetes Epidemiology and Clinical Research Section
Video: Influence of Enhanced Nutrition and Psychosocial Stimulation in Early Childhood on Cognitive Functioning and Psychological Well-Being in Guatemalan Adults
Paper: Link to article
Invited Speaker: Leila Larson, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor, Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, University of South Carolina
Effects of Supplementation With Iron Syrup or Multiple Micronutrient Powders on Neural Indices of Habituation in Bangladeshi Children
Paper: Link to article
Fall 2021
Invited Speakers:
Elizabeth Prado, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition, UC Davis
Lindsay Allen, PhD
Research Scientist, USDA ARS WHNRC, Professor Emeritus, Department of Nutrition, UC Davis
Reina Engle-Stone, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition, UC Davis
IGN Faculty Research Updates
Invited Speakers:
Christine McDonald, ScD
Assistant Professor, UCSF School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, and Assistant Visiting Researcher, Department of Nutrition,
UC Davis
Sonja Hess, PhD
Research Nutritionist, Department of Nutrition, UC Davis
Christine Stewart
Professor, Department of Nutrition, Director, Institute for Global Nutrition, UC Davis
IGN Faculty Research Updates
Invited Speaker: Noel Solomons, MD
Scientific Director, Center for Studies of Sensory Impairment, Aging, and Metabolism (CeSSIAM)
Video: Stunting Etiology: Older and Newer Reflections on Diet and Stress
Invited Speaker: Steve Vosti, PhD
Adjunct Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Davis
Co-Located Nutrition Modeling in Cameroon: Objectives, Challenges, Benefits, and Lessons Learned
Invited Speaker: Kenneth Brown, MD
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of Nutrition, UC Davis
Video: The MN Data Generation Initiative – Efforts by the Micronutrient Forum to Increase the Amount and Quality of Data Available Globally on Population MN Status
Invited Speaker: Felicia Wu, PhD
John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor in Food Safety, Toxicology, and Risk Assessment, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University
Video: Linking Food Safety and Nutrition Globally: Case Studies in Aflatoxin
Invited Speaker: Anne Williams, PhD
Lecturer, University of Otago, New Zealand
Video: A Pilot Project to Assess Feasibility of Using Electronic Health Records for Iron and Anemia Among US Pregnant Women
Invited Speaker: Andrew Mertens, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher and Instructor, University of California, Berkeley
Video: Causes and Consequences of Child Growth Failure in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis
Invited Speakers:
Emily Smith, PhD
Assistant Professor, George Washington University, Milken Institute School of Public Health
Video: Limited Data Exist to Inform Our Basic Understanding of Micronutrient Requirements in Pregnancy
Invited Speaker: Subhashni Raj, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Human Ecology, UC Davis
Video: Community Food Networks: Same - Same but different
Invited Speaker: Brietta Oaks, PhD
Assistant Professor, Nutrition & Food Sciences, University of Rhode Island
Video: Oysters, Micronutrients, and Women's Nutrition: Current Challenges and Research in West Africa