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Two women

Designated Emphasis in International & Community Nutrition

The Designated Emphasis in International and Community Nutrition is a cross-disciplinary program that allows Ph.D. students to receive training in the area.  Students completing this training program receive a formal notation on their degrees. 


Jennie Davis, in Haitian Market with 2 Haitian colleagues

GloCal Health Fellowship Program

The Institute for Global Nutrition partners with the UC Global Health Institute to offer the GloCal Health Fellowship. This mentored program provides aspiring global health researchers with outstanding interdisciplinary education and training in innovative research designed to improve health for populations around the world. A career development fellowship sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Fogarty International Center (FIC), this program supports awarded fellows from all 10 UC campuses as well as 20 affiliated international sites across 17 countries. UCGHI manages and supports the GloCal Health Fellowship.

A professor holding a seminar.


The Institute for Global Nutrition weekly seminars are open to students, faculty, and the community. Topics include research presentations, discussions of global nutrition programs or polices, critical discussions of recent scientific articles, or preliminary data from student or faculty research projects. Webcasts of selected seminars are available online.