Seminar 2024-2025

The Institute for Global Nutrition weekly seminar is a forum to discuss new research and topics related to global nutrition. Seminars are held Wednesdays from 12:10-1:00 pm in the Foster Room (1138 Meyer Hall) both in person and virtually on Zoom. They are open to the UC Davis community and to the public. Students may register for academic credit (NUT 291 section 200). Members of the public and students who do not need academic credit can request access by emailing Maureen Phelan at

Videos of seminars will be posted after the event as speakers allow. Seminars from previous academic years are available via the menu on the right. This page will contain the current academic year of seminars (Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025).

Winter 2024  



Invited Speaker: Fusta Azupogo, Postdoctoral Scholar, Institute for Global Nutrition, UC Davis
Dietary Intake and Nutrient Adequacy Among Filipinos: Findings from the 2021 Expanded National Nutrition Survey (ENNS)


Invited Speaker: Anthony Wenndt, Technical Officer for Reaching the Very Poor, GAIN (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition), Washington DC
Amplifying local voices in nutrition-sensitive social protection: the promise of human-centered design (HCD)


Invited Speaker: Caroline Joyce, PhD Candidate, Dept. of Public Health Sciences and Institute for Global Nutrition, UC Davis
PhD Exit Seminar: 24-hour Recall Dietary Assessment among adults in rural Sri Lanka


Invited Speaker: William A. Masters, PhD, Professor of Food Policy and Economics, Friedman School of Nutrition, Tufts University, Massachusetts
Affordability of a healthy diet


Invited Speakers: 
Dan Roth, MD, PhD, Staff Physician, Division of Paediatric Medicine & Associate Professor, Dept. of Paediatrics, Sick Kids Hospital, Toronto, Canada

Kelly Watson, MSc, Clinical Research Project Assistant, SickKids Centre for Global Child Health, Toronto, Canada
Height-Age as an alternative child growth outcome in randomized controlled trials


Invited Speaker: Anna Vanderkooy, MA, Senior Experimentation/ Impact Evaluation Analyst, Global Affairs Canada, Ottawa, Canada
The use of Pictorial Recall Aids modifies dietary assessment results: Experiences from Nepal and Senegal


Invited Speakers:
Mywish Maredia, PhD, Professor, Dept. of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University

Stella Nordhagen, PhD, Senior Technical Specialist, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), Washington DC
Evaluating Complex Food Systems Interventions: Evidence from a multi-method study in Kenya


Invited Speaker: Emmanuel Momoh, PhD Candidate and 2023-2024 SLLC Green Fellow, African Food Basket Project 
Geography Graduate Group, UC Davis  
The role of culturally tailored student gardens in improving the food security of international students and immigrant communities, using the African Food Basket as a case study


Invited Speaker: Ed Frongillo, PhD, Professor, Professor and Director, Global Health Initiatives, University of South Carolina
Assessment and monitoring of nutrition security in the US and of healthiness of diets globally


Invited Speaker: Reina Engle-Stone, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition & Chair of the DE in Global Nutrition, 
UC Davis
Accelerating Reductions in Micronutrient Deficiencies through Fortified Bouillon in West Africa Study


Fall 2024


Invited Speaker: Gaby Proaño, MS, RDN, Dietitics and Nutrition, Florida International University
Cracking the Code to Better Infant Nutrition in Rural Guatemala: Saqmolo’ Study Results 


Invited Speaker: Eric Deeble, DVM, Deputy Under Secretary, Marketing and Regulatory Programs, USDA, Washington DC
Video: Highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) in livestock


Invited Speakers:
Wenhui Feng, PhD, Health Plan Professor of Health Care Policy Research, Tufts University School of Medicine

Sean Cash, PhD, Bergstrom Foundation Professor in Global Nutrition, Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Dollar stores, food access, and household food insecurity 


Invited Speaker: Monica Pasqualino, PhD, Assistant Scientist, Center for Human Nutrition
Johns Hopkins University
Results of an egg intervention trial in Bangladesh


Invited Speaker: Emily Becher, BS, PhD Candidate, Department of Nutrition, and Institute for Global Nutrition, UC Davis
Video: Child dietary patterns and impact of bouillon fortification on child development in northern Ghana


Invited Speakers: 
Christine McDonald, ScD, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco

Yvonne Goh, PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco
Effects of quintuply-fortified salt on micronutrient status of non-pregnant women of reproductive age in Punjab, India: Presentation of preliminary findings


Invited Speaker: Mackenzie Ferrante, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Rutgers University, New Jersey
Making healthy food choices easier for families using optimal defaults


Invited Speaker: Elise Reynolds, MPH, PhD Candidate, Department of Nutrition, and Institute for Global Nutrition, UC Davis
Adolescent food insecurity, food choice, and school food environments in Cape Coast, Ghana 


Invited Speaker: Cristina Moraga, BS, PhD Candidate, Department of Nutrition, and Institute for Global Nutrition, UC Davis
Helping or hindering? Public health implications of market-led food fortification: Analysis using Circana Consumer Network and Purchase to Plate Crosswalk


Thanksgiving Holiday


Invited Speaker: Danielle Lemay, PhD, Research Molecular Biologist, Associate Adjunct Professor, USDA ARS and WHNRC, UC Davis
Next Generation Dietary Data Assessment and Analysis