- Associate Adjunct Professor Emeritus, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Research Interests
Tropical deforestation, economic development, effects of policy action on human welfare, poverty-environment links, population-environment links, climate-poverty links, bioeconomic models, environmental economics, and biodiversity policy.
Dr. Vosti co-leads a team comprised of nutritionists, geographers, biostatisticians, and economists that develops and uses tools to help developing countries design and manage more cost-effectiveness micronutrient intervention programs and policies. This team has assessed the cost-efficiency and cost-effectiveness of alternative delivery platforms for multiple MN powders and small-quantity LNS (Uganda) and vitamin A supplementation (Kenya and Burkina Faso); worked closely with policymakers in Cameroon to identify more cost-effective food fortification and other strategies for managing vitamin A deficiencies among young children; and played an important role in the decision in Ethiopia to mandate the fortification of edible oils.
He has substantial field-based research experience in Bangladesh, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, and Pakistan.